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International Career Coach

Bonjour, it’s Tanya!

Take Control of your Career

Guiding bilingual and third-culture professionals to develop strategies and navigate their career path, fostering success in a globalized world.

Let’s chat
Tanya Podvsan TpTalks
tp talks coach carriere
I'm here for you

Are you still asking yourself - what should I do when I grow up?

My TPTalks career program focuses on helping you find a fulfilling career, a transition for any talent desiring to work on the international scene. Start in a series of low-risk, high-reward trainings to:

Clearly define your “must-haves” and “don’t-wants” then decide what a meaningful career looks like for you.

Be curious – discover the possibilities. And guess what? It’s more than you imagined!!

Take action – test your thoughts, explore your options, make an informed and confident transition.

Trainer & Career Coach

Talent Development

Recruitment & Sourcing

International Human Resources

languages mastered
years’ experience
satisfied clients

Discover the Story of TPTalks


Here's what I can do for you

je suis demandeur demploi

Career Seeker

You aim to sharpen focus and confidence in your international job search while identifying your ideal company to work for.

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tanya tptalks


You are looking for mobility and outplacement solutions for collaborators new to the international scene.

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Who’s TPTalks?

Bonjour there !

My name’s Tanya

I’m an immigrant, Adult TCK (Third Culture Kid) and an expat since my adolescence, my tipi (TP) has been a source and a resource. Since adolescence, I’ve been trying to fit into “a category”.

My life journey is a joyful blend of multicultural and multilingual professional experiences.

Born in Slovenia, I was adopted by the USA, and loved by Colombians, with my heart split between Germany, Austria and France.

I am a Certified Integral coach ACC ICF New Venture West/Convivium and an active member of the International Coaching Federation.

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TPTalks Method

Explore the essentials of your international career with four steps:




Define your skills, strengths, deep motivations and goals, while
expanding your understanding of opportunities in an international transition and challenging limiting mindsets.



Mini-training and activities shape your international
career themes, guide your goals, and highlight strengths for improvement.


Test & Fine-Tune

Apply the training.
Evaluate successes and areas for improvement.
Finely tune your career path abroad.


Action plan

Choose a gradual or bold approach – or something in between.
Reach your future with confidence and enthusiasm, thanks to the time and effort invested.


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