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“There are so many job opportunities, but I just can’t seem to land one!”

This frustration is common, especially among bilingual job seekers and Adult Third Culture Kids (Adult TCKs) looking for work in English-speaking countries. The international job market feels more competitive than ever. But here’s a reality check: It’s always been hard. Whether you’re a recent graduate, an experienced professional, or transitioning into a new bilingual role, the challenge of finding the right job spans across all backgrounds.

Here’s a spoiler: sending out dozens of applications and hoping an AI-powered fairy godmother will deliver your dream job? The odds are slim. Sure, technology and AI have made things faster, but that alone won’t secure your next career move. There’s one element no algorithm can replace: trust.

As job seekers, especially in an international market, building trust with potential employers is your golden ticket. Human connection is more valuable now than ever, and it’s what gets you past the digital noise to land the interview—and eventually, the job.

The New Reality for Bilingual Job Seekers

Let’s get real.

Job searching has changed dramatically. Most people rely on online applications, hoping they’ll get noticed. Think of it like waiting in line at an amusement park—like Europa Park in Germany. Most job seekers are standing in long queues, applying online and waiting for their turn. Many give up, while others complain a lot but keep waiting. But then, there’s the select few who find shortcuts. They use the park map, ask staff for tips, and find quicker ways to get on the rides.

The job market is just like this. The savvy job seekers aren’t waiting in line—they’re building trust by:

  • Networking with industry professionals
  • Reaching out directly to hiring managers
  • Leveraging their connections for referrals

For bilingual and Adult TCK job seekers, this approach is even more important. You already bring unique skills to the table, but without trust and rapport, you’re just another name in the pile of online applications.

Why Trust is Essential

For companies, trust reduces risk. A referral or recommendation from a trusted source carries far more weight than any application or résumé. Trust shows a company that hiring you is a safe bet. For you, trust creates an opportunity to have open, honest conversations with potential employers. When there’s trust, you can confidently express who you are, what you’re looking for, and how your bilingual and multicultural skills can bring value.

In the international job market, trust is what moves you from being just another applicant to being someone they want to hire.

Three Ways Bilingual Job Seekers Can Build Trust (Without Feeling Awkward)

Now, you might be wondering how to build trust without feeling like you’re bothering people or risking embarrassment. Here are three easy steps to start building trust today:

  1. Reconnect with your network.
    Reach out to old colleagues, classmates, or friends who work in your industry. You don’t have to make it all about job hunting—just start a conversation. Ask how they’re doing, what’s new in their world, and naturally share what you’ve been working on.
  2. Ask for insights, not a job.
    People love to help, but asking for a job directly can be off-putting. Instead, ask for their advice or insights into industry trends or their company’s current focus. It opens up a dialogue and positions you as someone interested in learning and growing.
  3. Leverage referrals.
    If you have a friend or acquaintance who enjoys working at their company, don’t be afraid to ask for a referral. Simply ask: “Would you be comfortable referring me if any roles come up?” It’s a low-pressure way to get your name in front of decision-makers.

Referrals are powerful. Companies love hiring people who come recommended, and as a bilingual job seeker, leveraging your connections can be your greatest advantage.

Trust Takes Time, Like Planting a Garden

Building trust is like planting seeds in a garden. You won’t see results immediately, but with consistent effort, you’ll see growth over time. Regular networking will lead to more meaningful conversations, and these conversations will foster trust—the secret ingredient to landing a fulfilling, bilingual job abroad.

Stay proactive. Keep nurturing your relationships. The seeds you plant today will grow into the career opportunities you’ve been dreaming of.

Are you ready to level up your job search abroad? I offer a complete program specifically for bilingual job seekers and Adult TCKs. Let’s chat about how you can boost your international career journey.

Take care😊